Sadie | Courtney Summers

Yes, this is a story that people need to hear. Though Sadie's exact journey may not happen to a lot of girls, her disappearance does. Also, it is not just about the disappearance of young girls, but the lengths a sister will go to for her sister and the strong sisterly love behind it.
I did NOT think I was going to like—no, LOVE it as much as I did. Even though the editor had explained the premise of the book at BookExpo, I still was not prepared. Nor (no offense) did her explanation do the impact this book will have on people justice.
Heartache. That's the best word to convey how Sadie's journey will leave you feeling. Her story is so realistically heartwrenching and just knowing that things like this actually happen, and are happening to various girls now makes it even more so. It makes it more.
This book may be a trigger for people who have had to deal with drugs, sexual abuse, and pedophilia.
This was my first time reading a Courtney Summers book and I could not put it down. Summers grips you and holds you tight from the very first pages down to the very last, and even once you're done.
I absolutely loved the pod-cast setup. It was very different and unconventional in the YA genre. It follows both Sadie who is trying to track down the man who killed her younger sister and West who is trying to track down Sadie a year I believe after she goes missing.
Sadie is fierce and. She has a stutter but does not let that stop her from playing people like a violin. She has a knack for recognizing what people need and giving it to them. Sadie devoted her whole life looking out for her younger sister, Mattie, yet no one ever looked out for her. Until it was too late.
West's experience is essentially the reader's experience. In the beginning, he is reluctant to take on the task of looking for Sadie but once he starts he can't stop. As he retraces Sadie's steps and gets closer to the truth, he becomes more invested and develops a need to find her, so she won't end up as another dead girl. in her story. In the end, he too wants the answers to questions even the reader can't answer as we were always one step ahead of West's investigation.
This book was so riveting and intense. There were parts that I just did not want to put the book down. I literally took an extended lunch break to read until I got to the point where I had to get back to work and because I didn't want to know how it ended just yet. And I was definitely not prepared.
I both love and hate the ending. . . love because it's fitting and not cliche at all and hate because I want more than what was given!😱
Question: do you think he killed Sadie?😬😱 I think so because I think if she was alive she would have at least let May Beth know, right? Oh, that last Sadie chapter had me in tears. I don't want to think about what it means that we don't hear from her again.
This isn't one of those books that you should read. This is a book you need to read. It sheds much-needed attention on children sexual assault victims and on the multitudes of girls and women who go missing every year and the unknown plight that often befalls them. This is a very powerful read that you will not be able to get out of your head once you have finished.
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